As one of the few designers and suppliers of steel industry machines in the country  Elgha Electronic Ofogh Erfan  Co., Ltd. is intented to realize the directional elements of the organization by using the standards

ISO9001:2015;ISO45001:2018;ISO14001:2015 and providing products and services in accordance with national and international standards and compliance with legal, financial and organizational requirements and specific requirements of customers and with the believe and adherence to principles such as employee codes of conduct and ethics and disclosure policy and belief in acquiring and knowledge-sharing and the acquired organizational experience takes a fundamental and dynamic step. This point of view of the policy of Elgha Electronic Ofogh Erfan Company is :

  1. Observing the principles of customer centricity and improving the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty through creating satisfaction and timely handling complaints in order to identify and understand the implicit and explicit needs and expectations of stakeholders and institutionalize and develop quality in all production and service activities of the organization.
  2. Creating a suitable platform for motivating, empowering and attracting the participation of human resources as the most valuable capital of the organization and spreading the culture of teamwork, through improving the level of technical skills and knowledge of employees with the help of effective and continuous training, hiring qualified staffs and enhancing the level of employee well-being as well as commitment to the availability of resources to achieve the goals and strategies of the organization.
  3. Increasing the production capacity as well as diversifying the company’s products to develop the domestic and foreign markets through the development of technology and production equipment, compliance with related standards and the implementation of specified developmental projects in line with the organization’s strategy and improvement in the design process and Purchase of main and auxiliary production equipment in order to improve the quality of products.
  4. Complying with the legal and organizational regulations and requirements related to environmental management and health and safety management standards and taking regular and continuous measures to eliminate risks, reduce safety risks and reduce environmental aspects through the prevention of work-related accidents. Also, complying with financial, operational and organizational requirements in order to communicate with customers.
  5. Timely production and delivery of products to customers through technical and logistical support of production processes and streaming culture of immediate response to customer complaints in order to obtain their satisfaction through after-sales services.
  6.  Educating and improving the level of awareness of customers through planning and implementing related training courses and improving the general culture of employees through conferences and training courses related to organizational and social issues based on organizational code of ethics and behavior.
  7. Creating a safe and well-groomed environment for employees to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses and the highest level of well-being in all aspects of appearance, performance and behavior, as a safe, well-groomed and beautiful organization through the work wellbeing system (5S).