Customer satisfaction is our main asset

We, the employees of Elgha Electronic Ofogh Erfan Company, believe that we form a big steel production family with all the consultants and contractors and serve customers in the field of steel. We believe in the following principles of behavior and moral values ​​and will not spare any efforts to realize and institutionalize them:

1. Adhering to moral values ​​and respecting the rights of colleagues, customers and clients (respect for private and family life) and observing the principles of commitment, honesty, trust, openness and sincerity, we set the moral framework of the society.

2. Promotion of administrative health and observance of administrative discipline and privacy of organizational and customer secrets are our top priorities in our organization.

3. Adhering to the culture of work and effort in production field and satisfying customers, stakeholder and clients

4. The correct use of authority and responsibility in every organizational level by observing professional ethics in order to organization ascendancy.

5. Optimum use of the company’s resources and facilities and avoiding extravagance by observing wise and sympathetic frugality

6. Responsibility and adherence to the culture of criticism, commitment to accountability for duties

7. Participation in decision-taking and decision-making and collaboration in order to achieve the company’s goals and implement its plans.

8. Speed, accuracy, ease and quality in providing services and delivery of goods

9. We respect the customer’s opinion and focus on the customer’s right to choose by diversifying our product and service offering and with flexibility and welcoming them.

10. Providing pre-sale to after -sale services, along with compliance with quality standards, we consider it our moral obligation beyond our professional duty. The Board of Directors of Elgha Electronic Ofogh Erfan Company.